Pilot International Scholarships Deadline
Founder’s Fund Scholarships Scholarship season has begun, so just a reminder that you can find all of our scholarship applications by visiting: https://www.pilotinternational.org/grants-and-scholarships/
Remember, all scholarship applications must be sent to: piffscholarships@pilothq.org or you can mail them to HQ, but they must be postmarked by March 15.
Emergency Response Program
Amount Awarded: Varies, but does not exceed US $5,000
Eligibility: Active Pilot Clubs, Anchor Clubs, and Districts Application
Deadline: October 15th
Pilot Clubs, Anchor Clubs, and Districts desiring to establish or expand personal emergency response services in their community may apply for a Founders Fund grant. Emergency Response programs must be for the purpose of helping people with disabilities. The Founders Fund defines a person with a disability as “any person who has a recorded physical, mental or sensory impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. Major life activities include caring for one self, performing manual tasks, walking, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working.” For the purpose of Emergency Response grants, frailty due to age and/or health impairments constitutes a disabling condition.
Contributions of cash or appreciated securities enable the foundation to make immediate use of donations. Memorials and special gifts in honor of others are encouraged and gratefully acknowledged. Planned giving through deferred gifts or specific bequests in a trust will or other estate plans provide a lasting endowment to the future.
For more information, visit the PSHF website: www.pshffl.org or email us at pshffl@gmail.com.
Pilot Scholarship House Foundation, Florida District, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation,. Federal Tax ID #59-6147872. Donations are tax-deductible in accordance with federal laws. The Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services Registration number is CH12390.