Pilot International
102 Preston Court Macon, GA 31210-5768 USA
Tel: 478-477-1208 Fax: 478-477-6978
President Pilot International
We are deeply sad to report our Pilot Florida District Governor has
passed away as a result of health issues. Barbara Keck had a dream to become the Governor
and she was so proud to fulfill that dream. Her installation was beautiful with the theme of
Peacocks. We offer our condolences to her family and her Pilot Club of Fort Pierce. With this
news, the Governor Elect Missy Ridgway of the Pilot Club of Ocala will assume the position as
Governor. We offer our total support and know Missy is able to lead the Florida District.
Also Lt. Governor Sharon Nooney had to resign in early July due to health issues. The DAC is
pleased that Georgia Reed from the Pilot Club of Jacksonville agreed to accept the appointment
to fill this position for the 2023-2024 Pilot Year.
The District Administrative Council (DAC) is pleased to Announce we have filled the position of 2023-2024 Governor. There were several past District Governors that offered to fill the Governor’s position for the remainder of the Pilot year. However, many of these past District Governors are also serving in other positions at the District, International or club levels this year. Being the only viable candidate without other commitments, Jonda Erwin has been elected to the position of 2023-2024 Governor by acclamation.
The Pilot International Bylaws state that in the absence of the Governor the Governor Elect can step up to fulfill the rest of that year. However, the Bylaw also states that 6 months service in one office will constitute a full term served. Even though Missy is willing to step up to this position for the District, she would have to forfeit the 2024-2025 year as Governor with the understanding that she would have already served more than 6 months during the 2023-2024 year as Governor. The bigger issue with this option is that per the Bylaws, Missy as Gov. would have to appoint a Governor Elect to fill that vacancy for the rest of the 2023-2024 year and that Governor Elect would automatically become Governor in 2024-2025. As a result of this, the District membership would not have a vote in selecting their Governor for 2024-2025. Missy has also begun lining up the 2024-2025 Appointees, many of which are new Appointees that hopefully will be willing to move up to District Leadership in the future.
If Missy serves as Governor during the 2023-2024 year, then those Appointees will not be able to serve. Due to these circumstances, the DAC felt it was in the best interest of the
Florida District to have a past District Governor serve for the remainder of 2023-2024 term. Thank you to the Past District Governors for offering your services once again and to the Florida Pilots for your patience as we worked through the best option for the District moving forward this year.
In Pilot friendship, Florida District Pilot International
Your District Administrative Council
2023-24 Pilot Club Officers
President Bessie Brown
Vice President Sue Lester
Treasurer Bob Patton
Secretary Ralph Patton
Director Harriet Patton
2023-24 Florida District Officers
Governor Jonda Erwin
Governor-Elect Missy Ridgeway
Secretary Claire Mikko
Treasurer Charlotte Edenfield
Lt. Governor Amanda Valdespino
Lt. Governor Georgia Reed
ECR Lisa Palmqust
Pilot International President
Holly Baker
The Pilot Club of Naples has monthly meetings each
second Thursday at 6 PM at Perkin’s – 3585 Pine Ridge
Road, Naples, FL. —for more information call 239.289.8268