“Pilot International’s mission is to influence positive change in communities throughout the world. To do this, we come together in friendship and service, focusing on encouraging brain safety and health and supporting those who care for others.”

Florida District vision: to serve by furthering Pilot International’s humanitarian efforts through charitable, educational & research programs

The Pilot Club of Naples was Chartered in 1959 in the
Florida District of Pilot International.

65th Anniversary of the Pilot Club of Naples
65 years ago, a group of enthusiastic women signed the Charter to become The Pilot Club of Naples connecting with Pilot International. The Pilot Club of Fort Myers sponsored this new club. We survived all the years and here we are today. This is something very special and we will celebrate it.

That original Charter will come out; the Pilot Wheel with the brass plates naming the Presidents since 1959. Our storage unit is packed with boxes of documents of history such as minutes from the meetings, programs from conventions attended and financial reports. It will be on display as history for this 65th Anniversary Celebration.

We are working on the plan with so much to do and many decisions to make, such as “will it be a luncheon or a dinner, where will it be held and when will the date be confirmed?” If we could locate every person that had been a member, everyone that supported the club and anyone who touched our club in some way. We are not the oldest club in Florida, but we are one of the oldest. It is a tradition to have a celebration and to invite Pilot Clubs of the Florida District.

It would be wonderful to have current club members help with the plan as soon as we have something to start with. We can make it fun and memorable working together. Suggestions are welcome.

Mission Statement of Pilot International
To serve by furthering Pilot International’s humanitarian efforts
through charitable, educational and research programs in
communities throughout the world.

Pilot Club of Naples Membership

Invite one person to a club meeting for them to see what Pilot is. . . .People don’t know about Pilot and what we do. The only way they could know is for you to invite them to a meeting. We will pick up the cost of their dinner. Let’s work on making this a wonderful meeting. We plan to have a speaker and meet at Perkin’s on Pine Ridge Road in the private room at 6 PM. We ask that you confirm with Sue (239.375.0554) on how many to plan on. That is so we can have the room set up without the confusion of moving the tables when they arrive. Make plans to attend and bring someone. . .or two Did you know that it is a fact that people who volunteer and belong to a service organization live longer and are healthier than those who do not. Share the joy of serving the community with our time, our support and care. We support 4 Pilot Scholarship Houses & residents We support the Safe & Healthy Children’s Coalition. We offer Bike Safety Rodeos, Puppet Presentations and provide Bike Helmets to schools, after school programs, churches, day care facilities, parks and recreation programs, etc. We support our Anchors. .
We are Proud Pilot Members .

2025 Florida District
Convention Information
April 25-27, 2025
Holiday Inn Melbourne-Viera
8298 N Wickham Road, Melbourne, Florida
For more information visit upcoming events


Welcome to the Future . . The Future of the Pilot Club of Naples and the Naples Pilot Foundation, Inc.

I am reaching out to everyone to take some time to think about the future of the Pilot Club of Naples. Our Florida Governor Charlotte Edenfield has a “theme” for this year. It is “Welcome to the Future”. We can direct our Club in new directions. We can do projects that we have never done before. And then there is fund raising; we need new creative ideas to generate funds for our projects.

We will continue to “Influence positive change in communities throughout the world. To do this we come together in Friendship and Service, focusing on encouraging brain safety and health and supporting those who care for others”. This is the Pilot International mission statement.

The Florida District vision statement is: “To serve by furthering Pilot International’s humanitarian efforts through charitable, educational & research programs”.

Think about what you would like to be proud of when you say you are a member of the Pilot Club of Naples.

Leigh Anne Page has come up with some ideas. During a future meeting, we will have her share them.

We have a club with 62 years of history. We have come a long way since 1959.. We have a Scholarship House Project in our area with one house functioning and another one due to be available in 2022. We have a powerful Anchor Club with a strong future.

The members of the Pilot Club of Naples are humbled with the hard work of our Pilot member, Mike Nelson making a positive difference in the lives of so many. He is like a “gift” that was sent to our club and we all appreciate him.

We need to buckle our seatbelts because it promises to be a very exciting year. Mike has the energy and connections to take this Pilot Club to new heights. But the members are the working “body” of this board driven organization.

So let’s get busy and pull it together. . . .together. We can do this because we are stronger together.

What Pilots do is as simple as ABC!
Anchor -Growing future leaders through Anchor Clubs
Brain Health – Promoting brain health and safety
Caregivers – Caring for those who care for others
Do More, Care More, Be More!

Pilot International Founders Fund established in 1975 to further Pilot’s humanitarian efforts. Since the Pilot International Founders Fund grant program began in 1977, nearly 1,500 grants totaling more than $1.5 million have been disbursed to Pilot Clubs.

The Pilot Club of Naples has been supporting Project Lifesaver for many years and is proud to partner with the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to continue to provide Project Lifesaver.

Project Lifesaver is a 501 (C) (3) community based, public safety, non-profit organization that provides emergency responders and caregivers with the equipment and training required to protect and, when necessary, quickly locate individuals with cognitive conditions that cause the propensity to wander, such as those with Alzheimer’s or autism. Through the use of state of the art radio frequency technology, innovative search and rescue techniques, and accredited first response training, Project Lifesaver member agencies have, to date, successfully located in excess of 3,500 special needs individuals during an episode of elopement; the average recovery times for these rescues are less than 30 minutes, which is 95% less time than standard operations.

Something good to know!

Giving to Pilot International’s Founders Fund helps to support the ABC initiatives of Pilot:

DID YOU KNOW AmazonSmile donates to Pilot International, Inc.? Simply click this link below to add Pilot International to your Amazon account: smile.amazon.com/ch/58-0386983 If you need assistance in adding Pilot International to your Amazon account, please email contact@pilothq.org or call (478) 477-1208.

We need to start recruiting Poll Workers for the next election. This is an amazing project that covers community service, patriotism, volunteering and fundraising. That is more than any project all in one without a monetary investment or risk. We don’t have to risk people not showing up or spending time and money on the plan and promoting an event. Most of all it is an opportunity for exposure to the public to see us volunteer and to visit with the voters about Pilot. It is fun to spend the day getting to know Pilot members and serve our community.